Friday, June 20, 2014


This was a quick little project I did while I was waiting for some of my larger projects to dry.  I made a few rocks.  These are made out of nothing but toilet paper and Elmer's glue. I basically balled up some toilet paper and put it in water, squeezed out the excess water and shaped them.  Then just rubbed Elmer's glue on them.  I let it dry and then did it a couple more times.  Once completely dry I painted them.  I did experiment with a couple more using hot glue, but they looked terrible when done (the whole family concurred) so they went into the trash.  They are light but hard and I was pretty happy with how they turned out.  I plan on making a handful more.  They should be good for avalanches and such.

Here are a few photos.

Edit: Now that I posted this, the photos don't make them look all that great.  They look a lot better in real life.  I'll perhaps try and update the photos later.

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