Tuesday, December 23, 2014

New Treasures!

My pieces from Griffin Tamers Studios came today and they look great!  Thought I would throw up a few quick pictures I took today.  Hope you enjoy.

Friday, December 12, 2014

My custom Caverns paint job

I just finished painting my first set of unpainted caverns. (Including the stretch goal for it).  All in all I am pretty happy with how it turned out.  The yellow tiles are perhaps a bit too bright (they stick out a bit too much for me) and I might go back later and dull them down a bit, but all in all I'm satisfied with them.  I still have one more unpainted set left and I will most likely just do another set like these, but I'll have to wait and see.  Originally I got two unpainted sets (the rest was painted) to do some ice caverns.  But with DF coming out after the KS with icenite it made the need for these sets to be painted like ice moot.  Anyway.  here are some photos.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Ice Caverns

Just finished up my ice caverns today.  I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Tiles Unboxing Photos

My tiles arrived last Thursday and I spent 8 hours unboxing them and putting them into my storage boxes.  It wasn't long though before I realized my storage was going to be sorely inadequate so I ended up throwing most of them into the large boxes that they were delivered in temporarily.  Anyway here is 8 hours of work/fun.  I had my 3 year old daughter helping me for the first hour and a half or so but then she lost interest, so I was solo after that other than one of my other kids stopping by periodically to laugh at me and my mess.

And here was the aftermath of all the unboxing.

My Terrain Tiles Storage Solution

With Dwarven forge delivering it's second successful Kickstarter(KS) and Griffon Tamer about to deliver another giant load of Terrain Tiles to me, my current storage solution was proving to be inadequate.  I was at Costco the other day and they had a really nice toolbox on sale for what I considered a really reasonable price.  Thanks to an awesome wife, she gave me one for my early Christmas present.  Below are, first, a picture of my 4 old storage units.  They are stanly storage drawers, and while they worked good, they are about $120 bucks a piece and I would have easily needed another 3 or 4 just to store what I had and then I would have had to come up with something else for the larger pieces from Griffon Tamers KS when that delivered.

They look like they would have held a ton, and technically they do, but they weren't going to hold enough or solve my larger terrain pieces problem.  With the need to most likely drop another $400-500 bucks on these, a tool chest seemed a better solution.

Here is the toolchest I ended up getting.  The good thing is it easily holds all my stuff and there is still plenty of room left for expansion for Dwarven Forges KS3 coming down the road.

The only problem now is it's a bit bigger that I realized and it's kinda overwhelming the area I have it sitting.  I'm going to have to move some stuff around to get it situated better.